Depending on the mecha, a Mobile Suit is capable of a six hit combo like Dynasty Warriors 4. Weapon deadlocks, or Duels, are also different and require the player to input a random button sequence in an allotted amount of time. The number of buttons and the amount of time given changes based on the stage's difficulty.
Though the unique CP Attack system has been removed, players can still build it to three levels and high classed Mobile Suits can additionally perform aerial CP attacks. When two friendly ace pilots are near one another and have their RT attack gauge full, they can perform a unique combination attack (known as Combination SP or CP attack) together. While pilots can continue to use various mecha, higher leveled Mobile Suits require a license to use them.
Each mecha now has a part for their arms, legs, and torso. Arms and legs affect a Mobile Suit's offensive power while the torso changes its CP attack (or Musou) rating. Torsos also greatly affect a suit's mobility and defensive rating. Parts are collected by defeating many enemies and have integrated levels. Like the Warriors games, the highest rank for each part is Part 4, which can be unlocked by fulfilling special requirements and difficult missions in Mission Mode. The maximum points that a part can add for any attribute is 100, 200 or 400 (depending on the model and part). Each Mobile Suit also has four skills that the pilot can learn while using them, encouraging the player to try more than one mecha with each character. The updated parts system removes the previous level up system for the Mobile Suits.
The five mechanics have been removed and only Astonaige Medoz returns in this title during Mission Mode. He runs the Mobile Suits Lab, which customizes and builds stronger parts. As the player submits more parts to be overhauled, the Lab itself will level up. With each progressive level, the Lab can manufacture more skills and allow more parts to be worked on. In this screen, players may choose to do one of the following:
- Attachment - Allocates skills onto a part. These skills only affect the Mobile Suit and cannot be learned by the pilot.
- Update - Improves the attributes for the designated part. Though useful for making a part reach past its limits, it cannot add something that a part doesn't have. For instance, if the Part starts with zero defense, an update will not add more defense to it.
- Development - It can leads to the creation for more parts for different Mobile Suits by using an existing part from a random Suit. The results are random, but it has a rare chance of creating Part 4's.

Overall, the game has also been given a new visual layout. Whenever possible, the characters' body is shown in a default costume and they generally avoid wearing space helmets. Character portraits showcase more expressions and can be seen when they talk during combat. Amuro, Char, and Haman's outfits change during Story Mode but additional costumes can be unlocked in Mission Mode. These costumes include Milliardo's Zechs Merquise disguise and Loran's "Laura" attire. While playing under these different looks, characters will say additional quotes not heard with their normal costumes.
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