The plot of monster hunter is incredibly complex and involves one of the greatest stories ever told in the history of humanity, it is told in 7 incredible parts.
Part 1: Arrival
The hunter arrives in a remote village in some place no one has ever heard of. The loving villagers give you a house, (for free) a farm, (for free) and a pig (for free). After those 30 seconds the villagers never do anything nice for the hunters again.
Part 2: The Basics
After this the hunter is allowed to do what hunters do best! Gather herbs and mushrooms so they can learn how to survive in the wilderness! This incredible and gripping part of the game involves five quests before the hunter realizes that everything they find in the wilderness can be bought cheaper at the local store.
Part 3: Kill some monsters
The 6th quest of the game is to actually kill something. The target is always a tiny dinosaur with a high pitched voice. This part is where 80% of people drop out after they draw their weapon and realize that there is no Lock-On. The actual hunt is incredibly difficult and normally takes about 3 seconds (Unless the player is using the Sns, in which it will take 20 minutes) After the quest the village chief gets bored and tells the hunter to go kill more monsters.
Part 4: Kill some more monsters
The next 200 quests involve killing all 20 65 bosses of the game. Sometimes the village chief will be a douche and give the players gathering quests to go and get lumps of ash that break easily instead. The player also gets cute cats that cook their food for them. Most of the time the food is burnt but who honestly cares, they’re cats!
Part 5: Kill more monsters than you were killing before
After finally finishing the village quests the hunter is told to go into the guild hall. In here the hunter can embark on new and exciting quests with new monsters. (The same ones except different colors) If the hunter becomes suspicious of the new monsters being familiar then the guild will send him on a 'Mystery Quest!' This quest is to hunt a nasty dragon trying to destroy the world by slowly walking on everything. If the player ever bothers to complete this part then they move on to 'High Rank'.
Part 6: Kill even more monsters than you were killing when you were killing more monsters than you were killing before
If the hunter ever makes it this far in hopes that maybe, just once they might get to kill something new then they will be disappointed. This level forces the hunter to kill the exact same crap they've been fighting for the last 500 hours except with a 30% difficulty increase. By now the kitchen cats are actually slightly useful. (However they will sometimes give the hunter poisoned or drugged meat in hopes he will eat it.)
Part 7: Kill new monsters
After 600+ hours of killing the same monsters over and over again, the hunter is finally given the opportunity to hunt something new. The target is a big scary dragon that shoots fireballs and lives in a castle. This could have been an epic hunt except for the fact that the dragon will not bother to attack if the hunter is behind its left leg. It is also revealed that this dragon was the cause of many things including:
- The reason Lao Shan Lung (That big dragon thing that was talked about in Part 5) was walking.
- Nothing else. The dragon was so stupid that it wouldn't leave its castle thus causing no one except the only thing stupider than it (Lao Shan) to be scared of it.
- The Village Chief's plans to kill humans and let monsters rule the Earth are revealed. He runs away and hides.
- The Hunter most now stop the Village Chief's plans.
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